Monday, December 23, 2013

What Happens When God Answers by Evelyn Christenson

  Chapter 3:  When God Answers…You prayed the wrong prayer

Page 27

That God will not answer prayer under certain conditions is just as clearly taught in the Bible as is that He will answer the prayers of His children at other times.  Even though they had prayed, James said:  “Ye ask and do not receive, because ye ask amiss, to consume it upon your lusts”. (see James 4:3)

There are two kinds of prayer to which God answers, “You prayed the wrong prayer.”  First, there is the prayer that asks for the wrong thing—which God in His holiness never would grant.  But then, there is the prayer to which God would have answered yes, except that it was for the wrong reason.

Wrong Motives

The reason God sometimes answers no to our prayers is that we prayed with the wrong motives.  Although the things for which we ask may be good in themselves, we want them for the wrong reasons.  So, even though we do ask, we do not receive.

This was an amazing chapter.  I pray all the time, but honestly have not thought about my motives.  This is something that I want to stop and take a good look at as I pray.  Evelyn even gives some examples of our motives that would not be good.

Page 28

Here are some of the common, everyday motives that creep into our praying; praise, fame, love of power, love of display, love of preeminence, status over others, ease, comfort, personal satisfaction, self-pleasing, self-vindication, gratification of sinful desires, and revenge. 

Page 31

A wrong motive makes it a wrong prayer—which, of course, God won’t answer.

So I want to stop and look at the prayers I have prayed recently and how or if God has answered.

My Prayer:

I have been praying for my son Jeremy for quite some time, but it does not seem like God is answering.  He seems to be getting worse and not better.  I need to spend some time thinking about my motives in my prayers.  In fact, I want to pray for God to show me my motives.  This is going to be challenging for me, but I need to find answers.

Page 32

It is possible that we are deceiving ourselves, as well as other people, about our motives in prayer, but never God.  He is aware of our hidden attitudes and motives –many times unrecognized even by ourselves.

Please pray for me as I learn to discover my motives in my prayers.

Merry Christmas to all of you!  Thanks for following my blog this year.  You have blessed my heart on this Journey.  I was not alone.  My thoughts and prayers will be with all of you. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

What Happens When God, Answers by Evelyn Christenson 

Chapter 2:  When God Answers When I Am Not Able

Page 13

People frequently ask me how much time they should spend in personal closet praying.  I reply, “That depends on how much power you want.”

Page 14

God with all his power of the universe is sitting on His throne in glory, even today, waiting and longing to release that power on planet earth.

Why?  Why don’t I spend more time praying?  I used to, but what has happened?  LIFE becomes so busy I can allow the things of life to take over. 

LIFE becomes so hard, that I allow my pain to overcome me.

Why do I allow this to happen?  I have a power source available to me and all I need to do is use it.  PRAYER POWER.

Page 20

A pastor in California told me he spends the first two hours of his day, starting at 5:00 am, in conference calls with his board members, prayer supporters, and even his mother in law.

Wow, I would love to hear the results of praying like this. 

I want my Prayer Time, or as I call it, my LISTENING Time with God to grow again.  It’s time! 

This time of year I try and spend a week making a goal poster for the year. I want Prayer to be a huge goal for 2014.  After all, it is my power source for everything.  I need to use it, instead of worrying about everything.

My favorite verse:  Don’t worry about anything.  Pray about everything.  Tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.  Philippians 4:6

I want to pray about everything.

Page 23

No matter how much I expect from God, He always gives more.  No matter how much faith I have, I never seem to have enough to equal the fabulous amount of whatever God is ready, willing, and anxious to do—when there is enough prayer.

Page 26

Capable, yes.  And able too—when there is enough prayer!  How much power is God releasing because of your prayers?  Then again, how much power is God waiting for you to unlock with your key of prayer.

Dear God,

Please forgive me for not making prayer a priority in my life.  I want 2014 to be a year of prayer, for our country, our state, our family and my life. Please help me to follow through with this commitment.  In Jesus name, Amen.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What Happens When God Answers, by Evelyn Christenson

I am so excited to read this book.  I have spent the last year reading Evelyn’s books about prayer, but now it sounds so refreshing to begin understanding more about Answers to our Prayers.

When I read the first chapter I wanted you to be able to read the whole chapter with me.  It felt so good to think about how God is going to answer my prayers and what comes after His answers.  You all know this has been a very hard year for me, but I wonder, where God is taking all that I have learned through the pages of Evelyn’s wonderful books.  I will wait and watch God show me.

Page 1

When God answers a prayer, it is not the final closing curtain on an episode in our lives.  Rather, it is the opening of the curtain to the next act.  The most important part of prayer is what we do with God’s answers and how His answers affect us.

God never intends that an answer to prayer be an end in itself.  He expects much more than an emotional response—joy, disappointment, or anger—to His answer.  He expects us to be prepared to act or to be acted upon by His answer to our prayers.

God’s answer to a prayer is His means of accomplishing His will here on earth.  The way He answers reveals to us His sovereign will, His plan, His reasoning, and His perspective on the subject.  We must ask, “What does God expect to accomplish with this answer?”

These words have challenged me to stop and take a good look at the way I pray and what I expect to happen when God answers. 

Looking back on my life, it seems like quite awhile since I have experienced that incredible joy when we see God’s answers to my prayers in a big way.   Everyday I see small answers to my quick prayers for the little things in life, but I have been waiting on God for many years to unfold his plan for my life.  I know he has been preparing me for his ultimate will for my life, but it seems so long.  I am so... ready to see his answers.

I wrote a poem several years ago that shares my thoughts on waiting on God.  I’d like to share this poem with you today. 

 In YOUR Time

 Years ago, this all began.

Over and Over I questioned your plan.

I thought I LISTENED, I tried to OBEY,

But the Learning continued day after day.


Many days I wanted to let everything go,

Like a stubborn child, I would tell you so.

Like a miracle you would send something along.

To give me what I needed to help me be strong.


My faith kept believing, it would happen in YOUR time,

But as each year would pass, I wanted that time, to be mine.

I tried to proceed, but a wall would hold me back,

Like a train that was charging, but then falls off the track.


You’ve broken down walls, in areas of my life,

You’ve broken my spirit, which caused me much strife.

At times I’ve wondered, “Where are you God?”  I’m all alone.

You’d wrap your arms around me, your love for me you’d shown.


When your timing, finally appears, joy will overflow my soul,

Because I know you’ve been preparing me, more than I’ll ever know.

I’m sure that I’ll be ready, for whatever the task,

Because you’ve taken the time needed, to prepare me in a way that lasts.


© Copyright 2012

 by Robin Gove


I am still waiting on God’s answers to his plan for my life and the work that I have done, but I know he is preparing me for it.

Page 8

Since God’s answer is always that which ultimately will produce what is absolutely best for the pray-er, we must be willing for His intermediary answers.  They are the stepping stones He knows are essential to His ushering us into that eventual and state He desire for us.

Opening the Curtain

Jesus said in Matthew 7:7, “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”  What will be opened?  Whatever God has for you!  His next open door.  A better life with Him.  God is using the prayers you are praying today to open the curtain to the rest of your life.

Closing Prayer

Oh, God, I deeply desire to understand Your perspective of prayer.  Please teach me how I should respond to Your answers to my prayers so that You can direct my life through them.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This book is incredible already, the first chapter.  I would encourage you to stop by this website and purchase this book.   



Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Horizontal Dimension of Prayer-Results

Quote from the book, What Happens When Women (We) Pray:  by Evelyn Christenson

The Horizontal Dimension of Prayer-Results

Page 101-102

The Horizontal dimension of prayer is the visible result of our effective praying here on planet Earth.  But there can never be a horizontal dimension of prayer unless there is first a vertical dimension—that drawing nigh to God.  The two are inseparable, standing as it were at the opposite points of the base of a triangle, with God at the top.  The pray-er petitions God the Father¸ who receives the prayer, sifts it out according to His will, then reaches down to change people and circumstances on Earth.  The results we humans see represent the horizontal dimension of prayer.

Results!  What a wonderful feeling having prayed for something for a long time and then finally seeing the results of years of praying.  There is always a reason for what might seem like a delay in answers to our prayers, but God’s timing is always perfect.

I have been waiting on God for many years now.  This is not easy, but whenever there is a delay in my prayers, I know God is preparing me. 


And we felt tremendous unity not as we studied together, or talked, or met as committee members, but as we prayed together.  One definite horizontal result of prayer, is unity—in the church, in the home, in the community.

I remember a time in my life when I felt God was leading me to pray together with someone.  I did not want to pray with them, but finally submitted to what God was asking me to do. The end result was a completely changed life.  Praying together with someone brings Unity.

Prayer Transcends Miles

Page 103

God is not limited to space as we are.  He is able to reach down and give the unifying sense of His presence not only to people sitting beside us in the room but to individuals who are separated by continents. 

It is wonderful to know and believe that it does not matter where we are, we can pray together in Unity.

Telephone Prayer Chains

Page 110

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  Philippians 4:6

Same verse/Living Bible Translation

Don’t worry about anything.  Pray about everything.  Tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.  Philippians 4:6

Yes, there is Power in Prayer, when we use it. 

As I read the last pages of this wonderful book, What Happens When Women (WE) Pray, I am compelled to make 2014 a year of amazing prayer in my life. 

I want to take steps to make this a reality.  I am praying about starting a Family Prayer Chain. So as I read the last chapter of this book, Telephone Prayer Chains, it is going to be my Guidebook for 2014.

So what are the some of the guidelines that I want to be a part of my Family Prayer Chain?

We need a Chairman for our Family. 

Page 116

 ...Because we wanted to have an many people as possible praying simultaneously, our chairman, after receiving the calls and recording the requests verbatim, called person number one on all ten of the prayer chains and in 15 minutes…people were praying.

We need to record our requests and then pass them on.

Page 117

The thing that really astounded me after I came back home was that not one person of the 115 on those telephone prayer chains gossiped. 

It could be hard for family members to share their prayer requests, so it is so… important that our prayer chain will not be about gossiping about a prayer request.  When a prayer request comes in, pray about it and then pass it on.

Page 118

Our basic rules are few and simple.  Members promise to pass on the request immediately to the next person in the prayer chain.  They are not to delete anything or add anything to the request.  And they are to keep it confidential—no gossiping.

The rules are so important.  We are all very busy people, so when I prayer request comes in.  Pray about it and then pass it on.  When we talk to other Prayer Partners, it should not be for more than 5 minutes or the time it takes to share the request.

Page 119

Yes, telephone prayer chains (as all forms of prayer) have a unique way of joining the human links together on a horizontal place here on earth.  But the marvel o fit is that each individual is directly connected to the source of power of the whole universe, who is up in heaven—God Himself. 

“Lord, teach me to pray! Amen.”

This book, What Happens When (We) Women pray is finished, but the power of prayer will just be beginning.  Please pray for my family that we can become a family that Prays Together.  There is power in prayer and our family needs that power. 

The three books left:

November-December What Happens When God Answers
I will begin this book and share next week.

January - February Battling the Prince of Darkness

February – March Praying God’s Way

Monday, November 25, 2013

Chapters 8-9 Where W Pray, To Whom We Pray

Quote from the book, What Happens When Women (We) Pray:

by Evelyn Christenson


Where we Pray

Page 79-80

Private Prayer—Public Praying

Do you have a secret place for private prayer, a certain corner, a particular chair, or a room set apart where you can spend time alone with God?  A “closet” where you daily shut the door to pray to your Father in secret?  The group concept of prayer is important, and we do need to pray with one another, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” (see Hebrews 10:25).  But the drawing apart to pray in secret is perhaps the most vital type of prayer in which we engage.  It is also an indicator of the kind of prayer group participant we really are, for it is our private praying that determines the quality and validity of our public praying.

Other Closets

I can hear you saying, “I can’t spend great periods of my time in a closet.”  No, neither can I, but I have found another kind of closet praying.  It’s just drawing apart to God wherever I am—at the kitchen sink, at a desk, or even in a room filled with people.

Even a plane seat can be a prayer closet.

I remember when I first had the desire to spend time alone with God.  I was a young mother with small children.  It was challenging trying to find that alone time to read my Bible and pray, but like anything good, it began slowly.  I made a commitment to begin with 5 minutes a day.  That time quickly grew because when I made time for God, I felt so much better.  I longed to spend time with him. 

Then I soon realized that I was creating my own quiet place to get alone with God.  I called it My LISTENING Room.  Where ever I lived I would design a small area in my home, (even a walk in closet, see picture to the right) with the things that motivated me to spend time with God.  Doing this gave me great motivation to STOP and speak and listen to God.

When we Pray

Page 86

Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation.  Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God:  for unto thee will I pray.  My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up” (Psalms 5:1-3)

It doesn’t say that hours of prayer time are necessary, but at least we must say “Good morning” to the Lord and give Him our day.  So whether you are a lark or an owl, God’s Word says early in the morning, before the tyranny of the urgent, before breakfast, before the school buses, before anyone says a word to you, “Early in the morning, Lord, I will look up, and pray unto you.”

I learned to be an early riser while living in the Philippines as a missionary. 

While living in the States, my time with God was regularly in the morning and I loved it, but living in the Philippines created a new time.  
There were people at our door very early in the morning.  Our days were so full and my time with God began to fade. I did not like how I changed when my time with God disappeared, so I prayed about it.  I asked God to show me a time that I could spend with him.  I never believed that he would answer my prayer in such a clear way.

One morning I woke up at 4:00.  I looked at the clock and then thought, “No, not now God”, but I could not go back to sleep, so I finally got up and had a wonderful time reading my Bible and praying.  I began to wake up every morning at the same time and honestly, I had more energy than when I would sleep in.

Finding time with God is challenging, so make it a time that works best for you.

To Whom We Pray

Page 96

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.  James 4:7-8

An often overlooked but very important part of prayer is the drawing nigh to God.  Before we are ready to start our intercessory prayers, we need to wait before God until we know we have established communication with Him.  This is a time of silence when we are shutting out every other thought and distraction around us.  This is not talking to God, just a complete mental drawing to Him, and then, as He has promised, He will draw nigh to us.

Wow, the words of this chapter hit me. Oh, my gosh!  I am so anxious to begin my prayers with praising him that I have not been waiting before God until I know we have communication.  This is really important.  How could I have neglected this?

I am going to take this week and begin waiting on God and see what happens.  Will I know that communication is open?  You can try it yourself, but I will share my experiences next week.

Also next week, we will finish the last two chapters of this wonderful book.  They are........ The Horizontal Dimension of Prayer—Results and Telephone Prayer Chains. 

This has been a wonderful year of remembering my dear Sister in Christ, Evelyn.  I have thought about the times we talked together.  Honestly, she is in heaven now, but she has taught me so much this year.  I wanted to finish all of her books this year, but think I still have three left.  I want to finish them all.  I hope you will continue this Incredible Journey with Evelyn in 2014. 

The three books left:

             November-December         What Happens When God Answers

             January - February                Battling the Prince of Darkness

             February – March                  Praying God’s Way







Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chapter 7: God Never Makes a Mistake

Quote from the book What Happens When Women (We) Pray:  Evelyn Christenson

 page 65

In order to pray effectively in God’s will, you may need a new view of God—as One who never makes mistakes.

 Page 66

One of the advantages of growing older is that we can look back and see that God has not made a single mistake in our lives. 

Page 71

Did God make a mistake? No.  Not at all.  Romans 8:28 has been our family’s life verse ever since.  We know that ALL things, absolutely everything, work together for our God.

Do you REALLY believe what you are going through right now is not a mistake? 
Do you REALLY believe that God is working it all for your good?

2013 has been a very hard year for me.  I know in my heart that everything will work out for my good, but the waiting part of it is so hard. 

What should I do as I wait?  Believe!  I need to give my burdens to God and leave them there and believe that he is still in control.

Page 76

We may reach the place suddenly, or it may take us years to realize that God isn’t making a mistake in our lives. 

God does not make mistakes.  Believing this fills me with a great peace knowing that my life is in God’s hands and no matter what happens, he is still in control.

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to purpose.

Dear God,

Thank you that you do not make mistakes.  I am blessed that I can trust you in everything in my life.  I give my life to you.  Thank you that you know what is best for me and that all things work together for good.  In Jesus name amen.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chapter 6: How to Pray In God’s Will

Quote from the book What Happens When Women (We) Pray:            
Evelyn Christenson,  page 56

Have you come to the place where you can pray, “Only God’s will”?  Do you know that you are in absolute oneness with the will of God?  Have you come to that place?

For many years I ran from God’s call in my life because I did not feel qualified to do what he was asking me to do.  I had my plans and they sounded so good to me.  I worked hard trying to achieve them, but there always seemed to be something missing.  Yes, PEACE was missing in my life.

God is so loving.  He has waited patiently for me to give up my desires and surrender to his plans. I believe Evelyn’s book has once again brought me to the place God wants me to be.   TOTALLY SURRENDERED TO HIS PLAN FOR MY LIFE.

Quote from the book What Happens When Women (We) Pray:             
Evelyn Christenson,  page 64

O God, I want only Your will in my life.  Open the doors You have for me, and give me the courage and faith to go through them.

This is truly the prayer in my life.  The work that he has called me to write is almost completely finished.  What next?  Where does he want me to go?

Quote from the book What Happens When Women (We) Pray:             Evelyn Christenson,  page 60

What happens to me when I am on my face before God and say, “Okay Lord, I don’t know what You want.  That’s a big mountain, that’s difficult surgery, there are hard things in my life, but Lord, no matter what it is, I want Your perfect will”?  At that point does God become an ogre and take advantage of my commitment?  No, at that point He starts to open doors, and fantastic things begin to happen—even prayer seminars—when I just make myself available to Him.


Has God put before you an open door?  Are you hesitating, perhaps rebelling, or holding back because of fear, when God is challenging, “Look, here’s an open door, wouldn’t you like to walk through it for Me?

Page 63

Sometimes I need a little pushing to go through doors God is opening.  Do you?

Closing, page 64

Don’t say, “I want it my way, Lord,” but, “Lord Your way.  Whatever You have for me, I’m yours.  You just take me, open any door, lead me in any direction.”  You will be astounded at what God will do.  You will be panting, trying to keep up with the opportunities.  Phone calls will come from people you didn’t even know existed.  Who inspired that person to call and ask you to go here or three to minister?  Nobody—but God.

I pray with all of my heart that as I totally surrender everything that I am doing to God, that I will be astounded by what he allows to happen. 

So today, I say before all of you who are reading this:

This is the complete desire in my heart.

O God, I want only Your will in my life.  Open the doors You have for me, and give me the courage and faith to go through them.

Stay tuned and I will share with you what God does.  I can’t wait for the door that God wants me to go through opens.  Please pray with me.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chapter 5: What Happens When Women (We) Pray by Evelyn Christenson

The Method-Six S’s

When I think about prayer it takes me back many years ago.  I remember as a young mom not knowing very much about prayer.  They would tell me at church that I was supposed to do it, but I really did not practice it until I came to a point in my life where I needed God’s help.

Looking back, it all began one cold snowy winter evening.  My husband Dave had gone sledding with a group of Awana kids at church.  He was a leader at that time.  I was home with our two small children.  The hours passed…

Then the phone rang.  With an uneasy feeling in my heart, I picked it up.  I was given the news that my husband had been hurt in a sledding accident.  They had taken him to the hospital. 

OK, I have two small children in bed and my husband is in the hospital.  Fear overshadowed every thought in my mind.  I can not even tell you how I did it, but I bundled up my kids, took them to my sisters and raced up to the hospital.

When I got there I found out my husband was bleeding internally.  Oh my gosh! What should I do?  I somehow managed to act strong, but inside I was filled with fear.  After many hours of waiting, I needed to go home and get some rest.

When I opened the door to my home, I kneeled right down on the floor and began praying like I have never prayed before.  I needed God’s help and he came through.  Dave was in the hospital for a week.  It was one of the hardest times in my life, but many good things came out of this trying event.

One was, I made a commitment to God that night that I would begin reading my Bible and praying for at least 5 minutes a day.  I also prayed that I did not understand the Bible, but asked that God would help me.

When I first began to pray, I felt nervous praying in front of other people, but little by little I kept doing it.  When you see the answers to prayer, you begin to lose that fear of praying with others.  When I pray with others I feel God’s amazing power filling me courage and strength to believe with God all things are possible.

This was many years ago.  I did follow through with my 5 minutes a day.  When I followed through, God blessed me with a desire to read my Bible and pray.  He has given me a desire to encourage other people to stop and get off of the busy treadmill of life we are on and find the time to speak and listen to God.  You will be so glad you did.  He’s SPEAKING!  Are we LISTENING?

Below you will find some practical ways to encourage group praying.  Evelyn has taught me so much about praying together with other Christians.  If you want to begin a prayer group, please continue reading. 

Matthew 18:20

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

Quote from the book, What Happens When Women (We) Pray:

Evelyn Christenson,  page 44-53

“Well, I suppose you all know how to pray.  I won’t fit into this group.”

With that remark, Betty, my neighbor, joined the three of us meeting in a home on our block to pray for the coming Billy Graham crusade.  There she was apparently wanted to take part, but scared to death to pray aloud, even with only three other women present.

There are thousands of people just like Betty.  They are all over the country—in neighborhood prayer groups, in midweek services, and in special prayer sessions—and they are not praying audibly for only reason:
they don’t know how.

There are Six S’s, six simple rules to follow, whether one is participant or a prayer group leader, a seasoned pray-er or a shy and untrained one.  These six rules serve as effective tools to help a prayer group get started, to encourage newcomers, and to motivate timid people to pray aloud.

Subject by Subject
The first “S” is Subject by Subject—praying in one accord about only one subject at a time.  As one person prays out loud, the rest pray silently on the same subject, not planning their own prayers in advance.
Short Prayers
Short Prayers, the second handle, are the secret to the success of small group prayer.  Just one, or only a few sentences from each person on each subject allows time for all to pray if they wish.  No one should be forced to pray aloud:  let pray be spontaneous, something a person wants to do, even if it’s only to hear her own voice in prayer.

Simple Prayers
The third “S” is Simple Prayers.  Those who have never prayed before will find it possible to utter the simple sentence from the heart when the leaders and other participants avoid using complicated phrases and a special prayer vocabulary.

Specific Prayer Requests
Handle Number four is Specific Prayer Requests.   Specific requests listed and specific answers noted are a great encouragement to continuing and expanded prayer.  Use a notebook to list your requests and answers.       

Silent Periods
The fifth “S” is Silent Periods.  Silent periods between prayers are a privilege and blessing.  Don’t panic when there’s a lull—just listen!  Prayer is a two-way conversation with God.  

Small Groups
Small Groups, the sixth “S” are usually best for newcomers, as well as for the shy or untrained.  For some, it would take great courage to stand before hundreds of people and raise their voices in prayer for the first time.  But in smaller groups they can gain confidence in praying audibly.

Whatever we do, we must never underestimate the value of a small group praying, for Christ promised that where two or three of His followers are gathered together in His name, He will be in their midst (see Matthew 18:20). 







Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chapter 3- Forgiven as We Forgive

Quote from the book, What Happens When Women (We) Pray, Evelyn:  page 32

So, unless we keep our relationships with other people clear, we cannot be effective intercessory pray-ers.  Now, let’s remember one more thing from chapter two:  God always hears the penitent sinner’s prayer confessing sin and seeking Christ as Savior.  God also hears the plea for forgiveness of sins by the one who is already a Christian.  But for us to refuse to forgive others is itself sin.  We can’t be right with God and effective intercessors if we harbor the sin of the unforgiving spirit—even though we may have confessed all other known sins.  This is a very difficult lesson for some to learn, but it is important.

One thing I have learned about myself is that I cannot live with bad relationships. 

I realized this first hand while living in the Philippines as a missionary.  When you live, work and have a social life with the same people it can be a breeding ground for sin.  I was constantly working on relationships in our Church House.   So many times I had to swallow my pride and say I am sorry when I did not feel like I was the only one who had done anything wrong.  There were times that I did not want to forgive someone for something they had done to our family, but we knew God wanted us to have a forgiving heart.  The blessings would always follow.

I have someone in my life, right now, who is upset with me because I chosen to obey God over listening to them about a situation.  I have forgiven them in my heart and I am at complete peace.  In fact, today I decided to send them a “thinking of you card”.

When God teaches us about the way we should live, he also gives us what we need to be obedient to him.

Chapter 4-Praying in One Accord


When people start praying together in one accord to our Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus, and practice praying together, things begin to change.  Our lives change, our families change, our churches change, our communities change,  Changes take place not when we study about prayer, not when we talk about it, not even when we memorize beautiful Scripture verses on prayer; it is when we actually pray that things begin to happen. 

I have spent my whole life praying for my family.  I have seen answers to prayers that they do not even know I prayed.  I know and have seen what the power of prayer can do.

I remember what happened after my mother died and went to heaven to be with Jesus.  I felt that something was missing in my life.  I knew my mother prayed for me every day and the lack of her prayers was very evident after she was gone. 

I wonder, what will happen to my family when I am gone.

What would happen in a family, in our communities, in our world if we all prayed together for the challenges we face in everyday life.  Just imagine it! 

I have a dream that one day everyone in my family will pray daily for each other.  Imagine what could happen!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Happens When Women (We) Pray

Throughout my life, I have experienced the power of prayer in so many ways. 

There is power in prayer, but the hard part is finding the time to pray.  As I have shared with you before, this has been a very hard year for me, filled with many challenges and growing times.  During some of those times, prayer was the only thing I could do.  T he circumstances were out of my control.  All I could do is pray, but there were days I was so broken that I could not pray. 

In many ways, reading Evelyn’s books have kept me trusting and believing that God was still there working everything together for my good.  Through the ups and downs of this year, I feel like I am ready to turn the corner.  I want to pray, pray, and pray.  To be more specific, I want to pray, pray, pray, for myself and my relationship with God and my family.    

Dear God,

Thank you for this challenging year.  You have taught me so many things.  One this day, October 22, 2013, I give my life and my family to you.  I want prayer to be the number one focus in my life.  As we begin a new book by Evelyn called, What Happens When Women (WE) Pray, I want to use the power of prayer in ways I have never experienced before.  Teach me all that I need to learn, and unleash the power of prayer in my life.  Thank you for what you are going to do. 

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Our New Book:  What Happens When Women (We) Pray by Evelyn Christenson.

Quote from page 17

Prayers, Not Plans or Programs

We learned that things could happen when we didn’t plan at all, but just prayed.

Quote from page 18

Pray First, Plan Afterwards

Even if you are plugged into God’s will and know we’re going in the right direction, we may be going at a snail’s pace.  God says, “Look, you see only a tenth of what I have for you.  There are nine-tenths that you’re not seeing that you don’t know anything about.”

Good wants us to make ourselves available to Him and to say before we start to plan, “Lord, tell me what You want me to do, where You want me to go, how You want me to do it.”  Then our omnipotent God, with all the abundance of heaven at His disposal, will pour out His power upon us.  Instead of following our tiny, tiny, plans, God wants to open heaven and flood us.  It’s exciting.

This sounds so refreshing to me.  I need to pray and not plan, but let God lead me.  Oh, how enlightening this is for me today.  I feel released from me doing it, and at peace giving God the controls in my life.  I am here to do whatever he wants.  I don’t want to plan my life, I want him to.

Set FREE from planning.  Released to let go and let God work his plans for me. 

Quote from page 19

In six months we had learned that “the effectual, fervent prayer” of a righteous person avails much—not plans or programs, but effectual, fervent prayer.

Yes, PRAYER is powerful, but what will happen if I don’t use it. 

Quote from page 28-30

A Prerequisite to Answered Prayer

Do you wonder why your prayers aren’t answered?  We’re going to learn many reasons why they are not, in the chapters that follow, but here is the first one:  sin (or sins) in your life.  It is “the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous person that availeth much.”  If your prayers aren’t availing much, this many be the reason. 

Your problem may not be sins, but sin.  And this is a very important point.  When our Lord was talking to His disciples just before His crucifixion, He told them that He was going to send the Comforter, the Holy spirit, who would convict the world –those who were not Christ’s followers—“of sin, because they believe not on me.”  (John 16:9)  This is the sin that will keep God from hearing intercessory prayer—the sin of not believing in “Christ as your person Savior.  If this is your sin, the only prayer from you that God promises to hear is one of repentance and faith as your invite Christ into your life.

Dear Father,

Bring to my mind that sin or sins keeping You from hearing my intercessory prayers.       I confess whatever You have brought to my mind as sin.

Thank you, Lord, for cleansing me as You promised in 1 John 1:9 and qualifying me for effectual, intercessory prayer.

1 John 1:8-9

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins a
nd purify us from all unrighteousness.