Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gaining Through Losing

Quote from the book Gaining Through Losing  Evelyn:  page 10

What is Life?  But what is life—that elusive something we humans are chasing, seeking, and so frantically pursuing?  Is it utopia, a never-never land of euphoric happiness? Is it what we Christians are seeking to have “more abundantly”?  Intangible, indescribable yet we believe we will recognize it when we find it.

We seek life in health spas for the body beautiful, in doctor’s offices for vigorous health, in a regimented lifestyle for longevity.  We look for it in ever-changing sports fads, in shorter work weeks, in hobbies to take the boredom out of our leisure time.  We hoard money in banks to ensure a life of comfort.  We invest in stocks and insurance for security at retirement, or in property to achieve equity. We search for life through education, equal rights, mind-expanding  programs, and through the passive search for tranquility.   We strive for it by moving up to the right neighborhood, being involved socially, getting to the top professionally, by being needed.  We know we will reach when we are free from an addiction or a habit or a confinement.  And we will clinch it all by marrying the love of our life and moving into our dream house.  Then there will be life—lived “happily ever after’!

But somehow, no matter how many of these we find, there is always the haunting feeling that there must be more to life than this.       

Well then, perhaps life after all is just the seeking of it—that life is found in the process of seeking it.  Is it true that the pursuit of it, to which we are all constitutionally entitled, brings happiness?  Or can we really find it?

Then, if we can find life, will we really find it through Jesus’ mind-jarring paradox of “gaining it through losing it”? I decided to find out.

A word of caution here:  This principle has nothing to do with a martyr complex or suicidal tendencies.  Jesus never leads us to commit suicide.  Nor does this principle have to do with the masochistic tendency to seek gratification from pain, deprivation, or self-denial.  It does not apply to those who enjoy losing, but to those plain, ordinary, everyday followers of Christ who are willing to lose their lives—for His sake.

Quote from the book Gaining Through Losing        Evelyn:  page 12

Then gradually, the answer seemed to come from God:  “Empty yourself of all of you, Evelyn.”

Am I ready to empty myself of all of me?

I remember when I read this book many years ago,  I honestly did not understand how I could gain anything by losing.  The more I got into the book, the more I understood what it means “gaining through losing.”  I don’t think anyone likes to lose, but when we understand how the God who created everything can show us how losing in our lives can turn out as a gain, or something that is actually good for us is totally amazing.

We are going on an incredible Journey with Evelyn as we open the pages of this book.  We are living in days when many of us seem to be losing many things, like jobs, family, health, homes, etc.  The good part is that whatever we are facing today, we are not alone.  The God, who created me, has a plan for my life, and everything that I go through is part of the plan for my life.

I hope you will join me every Tuesday morning as we Journey together.  Invite your friends along.  God’s blessings to you today!

Dear God,

Please go before me as I begin this book, Gaining Through Losing.  Love me, teach me, and encourage me along this Journey.  In Jesus name,  Amen.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Please forgive me, but I thought I had posted my last chapter post, but I had not.  I have been gone for two weeks for speaking engagements, so I have been out of touch computer range.  I am back now, and I will finish up our last book, What Happens When We Pray For Our Families.

The Last Chapter:  The Supernatural reason for prayer

 Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 189

THE ONLY REASON families need prayer is because there is a supernatural battle raging on earth, and human resources, wisdom, and power are not sufficient to win in this battle

Since the source of all that plagues our families is supernatural, we need supernatural weapons to combat it.  This is so clearly emphasized in                            
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.

The only One who can bring victory over all this evil that plagues our families is God.
Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 201-202


Much of what we think is prayer is actually only pondering.  Even when we are on our knees in our prayer closets, it is easy just to roll our own thoughts and our own answers around in our minds, not really including God at all.  This is not prayer, it is only pondering.

My dictionary defines “ponder” like this.  “To consider something deeply and thoroughly; to meditate over or upon, to weigh carefully in the mind, to consider thoughtfully; to reflect, cogitate deliberate, ruminate.  This is a healthy process as it helps us sort out whys, unravel perplexing puzzles, come to conclusions, and even put to rest hurtful events.  But people frequently think they have prayed when they have spent time pondering.  Pondering is not prayer.  Only when we involve God in this process does it turn into prayer.

Only when we include God in our ponderings, we are praying.

Examine carefully what you have been calling your “prayertime.”  How much of it is really praying?  Have you learned to address God deliberately—and then listen to His responses?  Or are you basically just pondering.  Make sure!

 James 4:8

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. 

Wow, what a thought provoking chapter!  Am I pondering or praying?  I want to take some time to really think about this question.

Am I just going through the motions with my prayer life?  How can I spark freshness into my prayers?

What Happens When We Pray For Our Families has been an amazing journey of prayer.  God has given me this wonderful power source called prayer, but do I take it seriously?  Do I have a heart for prayer or am I just pondering?

I have been reminded through the pages of this book that prayer needs to be my lifeline.  I need to stop pondering and begin speaking and listening to God in a very real way.

Praying for my family must be a priority in my life, but how do I slow my life down and make room for prayer?

It is my choice.  What is most important to me? 

Prayer is the most important thing that I can do for my family, so my life should allow plenty of time for it.
For the past several years I have become so busy.  My time with God has not been the same.  I have made a choice this week.  I am letting go of everything, except this blog and my writing.  It is time to rest and refresh.  Please pray for me as I let go and let God do it.  
As I close the pages of this book, I want to say, “Thank you Evelyn!”  Once again, you have inspired me to take prayer seriously. 
I have changed the book that we will be reading.  It will be; Gaining Through Losing.  I can't wait to get back into this book.  I remember it was very meaningful the last time I read it.
Blessings to you day.



Monday, July 1, 2013

Special Prayers for Special Times

Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 171

Prayer for special people on their special days brings God’s input into their lives.  Our “best wishes” actually turn into divine influence, divine favor, and divine blessings—when we pray.
As I read this chapter, I was challenged to pray about the Special Times for my family.  Special Times like:  Birthday Prayers, Birthday Celebrations, Jesus’ Birthday, First Grandmothering Christmas (the first Christmas when you become a Grandmother), Thanksgiving Day Prayers, and Wedding Praying. 

It was so touching to hear the stories of several of Evelyn’s children as they wrote about their Special Times.
For the past ten years I have started the New Year praying for God to lead me to a Bible verse for myself and each family member.  The verse becomes their key verse for the year.  I pray this verse for them and then watch God use the verse in their lives.

There is power in prayer, but I need to use it daily.  There are so many reasons why I should pray, but the very last chapter in this book talks about the Supernatural Reason for Prayer.
Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 189

THE ONLY REASON families need prayer is because there is a supernatural battle raging on earth, and human resources, wisdom, and power are not sufficient to win in this battle.
Next week we will go through the last chapter in this wonderful book.  Be sure to join me.

Dear God,
Please help me to find the time this week to pray about the Special Times in my children’s lives.  I know there is power in prayer and I want to try and be more specific in my prayers for them.  Thank you for what you are going to do.   In Jesus Name, Amen.

(I have my oldest son David and his wife Stacy and our twin Grand-Daughters staying with us right now, so I will write more about this next week. 

Blessings to your Day!