Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Changed—When I Ask Others to Pray for Me

It is a beautiful cool sunny day.  As I am sitting here my mind wanders back to that cold January morning when I began reading this book.  I had mixed emotions.  I was so excited, but I knew from my past experiences, as I read the pages, God would work change in my life.  Change is not always easy, but necessary.

I have enjoyed reading about the dedicated praying women who were behind the scenes praying, and then the power was released as a result of their prayers.  Evelyn was so blessed to have this amazing force of prayer going with her wherever she would go.  I also hope all of those women who prayed realized how important they were to the ministry.  Without them, what struggles would Evelyn have gone through or what people would not have been at the meetings, or what disasters could have happened.  Special thanks to the Prayer Warriors of United Prayer Ministry.

 Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn:  page 94

 Leaders sometimes find it especially hard to admit a need or a burden to other people.  Often presidents, pastors, (even pastor’s wives) chairmen and teachers feel they are to bear the burdens of other people they lead, but they find it difficult to ask those people to pray for them.  Are they afraid of admitting weakness to those they lead?  Are they fearful the people will think less of them as their leader if they admit a need?  I think just the opposite is true.  The greatest leaders surround themselves with the strongest staffs, admitting their need to be supported by them.  No man is an island unto himself.  Some leaders bear so many burdens unnecessarily—just because they can’t admit they have a need.

God has spoken to my heart.  I am a leader.  I am going through some very difficult times, but I am not humbling myself to share my REAL needs with others.  I have no problem sharing prayer requests about the things I am involved in, but the issues deep inside of me stay there.  Why can’t I share those needs for others to pray?  Is is pride?  God is working in me helping me to find the answers.

As I continue to read this book, when a chapter is finished, the learning is not.  The things God is teaching me take time to work through.  He guides me and puts it all together like a puzzle.  He is building a masterpiece in my life.  My part is to submit to the changes he wants to make in me and trust him to carry me through them.

Thank you, Evelyn, for being God’s instrument of change in my life.  All of the learning you experienced has helped me to learn a little sooner than going through the long process of learning myself.

 Dear God,

Please help me to humble myself and share my burdens with others.  It is hard for me to do this, but I believe you might want to teach me something through letting go.  Thank you for all you are teaching me.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

You cannot serve both God and money

Wow, the nuggets of wisdom found in Chapter Six stopped me in my tracks for two weeks.   I could not move on. I underlined so many things, wondering which truth would speak to my heart the most.  Then it happened.  The first time I read these words, I knew it was God speaking to my heart. 

Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn:  page 86

That night God had something to say to me out of His Word.  As I was reading my Bible, tucking a thought in my mind to go to sleep on, a phrase in Matthew 6:24 almost jumped off the page at me:  “You cannot serve both God and money.” (NIV).  For three nights I found myself peculiarly drawn to that same verse, from one translation to another.  It was as if I wanted God to press it deeper and deeper into my very being.  “I cannot serve both God and money!”  Why not?  God gave me that answer in the same chapter when Jesus was warning us against laying up for ourselves treasures upon earth and telling us to lay them up in heaven.  Then Jesus gave the “why”:  “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (vs. 21).

When God speaks, you know it.  Yes, He has spoken to me very clearly.  Let me take you back to yesterday.

I received an invitation to speak for several different women’s clubs in Nebraska.  They explained all the details and told me where I would be staying and how much enumeration    I would receive.  Then they also said there were two more clubs that wanted me to speak as well, but they were two and a half hours further away.  So the total speaking engagements within a week would be six. 

I did not reply right away because I wanted to ask my husband a question.  When he came home from work I told him about the request I received to speak in Nebraska.  Then I am ashamed to say this, but I asked him, “Could you figure out the gas usage to go to the two extra clubs and see if it is worth going there.

Wow, I thought I was serving God as I get out there and share the message of salvation, but was my motive, MONEY?  My heart broke as I read page 86 of Evelyn’s book…….  CHANGED again.  I have read this book many times, but once again, God has changed my heart. 

Dear God,

Please forgive me that somewhere deep inside of me I have been serving money.                 I honestly did not see it.  Thank you for opening my eyes.  I will accept the invitation to speak at all of the clubs in Nebraska.  Thank you for what you are going to do.  In Jesus name Amen. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Exchange – When I Ask God in Prayer

Quote from book, Lord Change Me, by Evelyn Christenson 

When we are fatigued, our tendency is to keep pushing and pushing, slower and slower, until we get the job done.  But God’s formula is so simple.  And it takes such a short time to stop, ask, and wait.  However, there is a key to this formula.  Ask, and then wait expectantly.  This requires faith—not in the few minutes I might have in which to rest, but in the one who is to provide the strength.   Page 80

It is 11:30 pm.  It has been a very busy week for me.  I am fatigued and I have been pushing, and pushing to get everything done.  I am worn out and exhausted.  This was the perfect timing for me to read this chapter, Exchange—When I ask God in Prayer.

What had happened?  Before the evening seminar I took a few minutes to lie down and pray these words, “O God, Exchange my exhaustion for Your strength.”  And it worked.  God miraculously reached down, lifted my exhaustion, and then replaced it with His strength.                          Page 79

“O God, exchange my exhaustion for Your strength.” 

Today I would like to share a little piece of my heart with you about allowing God to change me.  Change is not easy.  Every time I have asked for the Lord to Change me, it usually will require total submission and trust that he knows what he is doing.

The past few week’s things have been pouring into my life.  My heart says, “I don’t think I can take another thing happening in my life and family.”  But, I know from the past, this is when change begins to happen in my life.  Things come to the point that I must let go and let God because I cannot do it on my own.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

The change process is not always easy, but I am never alone.  God is right there with me guiding me and protecting me.  I do not need to be afraid.

You know the Bible is living and active.  When I am overwhelmed and discouraged, I can open the pages of the Bible and gain strength. God does speak encouragement to me through the words of the Bible.

Life is filled with challenges.  I see more people going through very hard life circumstances.  The challenge I leave with you today is whatever you are going through in your life, you are not alone.  Open the pages of your Bible and God will speak love to you.





Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Changed When the Holy Spirit Reminds Me

Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn:  page 77

One of the greatest ways God changes me is by bringing Scripture to mind I have hidden deep in my heart.  And He always picks the right Scripture at the right time.  What a reason for staying in His Word daily—reading, studying, devouring it.  And then what a challenge to stay so sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s speaking that He can reach down and recall just exactly what I need at the very minute I need it. 

7/9/87 was written next to this verse in my Bible.

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.  Psalms 27:14 

I remember the day the Holy Spirit brought me to this verse.  It seems like it was just yesterday, but it was many years ago.

It was a very hot muggy July afternoon in Manila, Philippines, where I was living as a missionary.  I had been waiting on God for a very long time and I was miserable because I do not like to wait.  I had been pleading with God, “I am ready to ‘move out’ and begin a new ministry.”  I prayed for God to give me clarity through the words of the Bible.

As I opened the pages of my Bible, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, “Go to Psalm 27.”  I obeyed and began reading this chapter, looking for the verse that would speak to my heart, but NOTHING happened.  I agonized about it wondering why God’s Spirit had not spoken and it was like God’s Spirit said, “Read the chapter again.”  The whole chapter was on one page, but there was one verse at the top of the next page.  I had not seen this verse.

The verse I had missed was Psalm 27:14.  When I read it I realized God was speaking to me to “Wait,” but I did not want to wait.  I struggled with submitting, but eventually a lack of peace in my life brought me to submission.  This was my first encounter with Psalm 27:14.

Throughout the years God’s Spirit has brought me to this same passage of scripture over 10 times.  I have written each date next to the verse.  Each time I was brought back to this verse, God was speaking, “Wait.” 

Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn:  page 77

One of the greatest ways God changes me is by bringing Scripture to mind I have hidden deep in my heart.  And He always picks the right Scripture at the right time. 

Looking back on this now, I can see God had a wonderful purpose in my ‘Waiting” time.  He changed me through this process.  Waiting is never easy for me, but it was so important for God’s plan for my life.

Dear God,

I wanted to move when you were telling me to ‘Wait’.  Please forgive me.  I can see now why the waiting was necessary.  Thank you for taking the blinders off of my eyes and teaching me obedience when the Holy Spirit prompts me to a certain passage of Scripture.  I need to trust you and then obey.