Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Praying Family Members to Christ

Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 40

HAVE YOU WONDERED after you have prayed and prayed and prayed about your children’s rebellion, sinful lifestyles, or lack of interest in Christian things why God hasn’t answered?  Why your children don’t live the way you taught them?  Why they don’t practice a godly lifestyle?  It may be they are just searching for independence—or their own personal identity.  OR it may be just plain rebellion against God or family standards.  However, a likely explanation is that they never really received Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  They still have their old nature. 

By far the most important prayer to pray for every family member is to receive Jesus as personal Savior and Lord.  Without a genuine salvation experience, your children and other family members are still in the spiritual condition of everybody before they are made alive spiritually by accepting Jesus, 

It is 3:00 am.  I could not sleep, so I finally just got up.  I sat down on my soft squishy couch and began reading this book.  As I sat there in the quietness of the morning, suddenly my wall clock began playing a song. (It will not play during the night unless a light is on.)  This clock will play up to five different songs, but at this particular moment it began playing the song, When you wish upon a star, your dreams will come true.

What are my dreams?  Will they ever come true?

The dream in my heart, has been, and will always be, that each member in my whole extended family will come to the point in their lives where they realize they need Jesus, and choose to invite him into their heart.  Once they do this, I pray that God will give them a desire to have a love relationship with God, where they enjoy speaking and listening to God daily.

When I was 12 years old I went to a Christian Camp in Iowa for a week.  It was a life changing week.  I made a decision to invite Jesus into my heart.  It was real for me.  It changed my whole life.  It gave me hope when I had none.

I have lived my whole life with this dream in my heart; this dream has motivated me in all that I do.  But today, reading this chapter has brought my dream to the surface.  This morning I was reminded of that dream, but it has also brought me back to an experience that I had several years ago.

One of my family members was going through a very difficult time in his life.  As often happens when we experience trials in our lives, he began to think more about God.  He began praying.  I could see a difference in him.  Finally, one day he shared with me what he had discovered in his own life.

When he was a very young boy, about five years old, he had invited Jesus into his heart.  He was now a man and could see things more clearly about his life.  He believed his eyes had been opened.  He had prayed and invited Jesus into his heart because this is what his family believed he should do. It was not a deep longing in his heart to have a relationship with God.
It took a challenging time in this man’s life to fill him with his own desire to begin a relationship with God.  He prayed and asked God to forgive him and invited Jesus into his heart.  He said for the first time in his life his relationship with God was genuine and real.  It was no longer my parent's God, but my God.
Quote from the book;  What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 43

No matter how long it takes, their personal salvation should be the number one prayer that we pray for each of our children and family members.
Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 45

So, what should we pray for our unsaved family members?  Pray that they will see their sinful condition, repent, and truly receive Jesus as their Savior.
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should


Dear God,

Please be with every person in my family.  First, I pray for every family member who has invited Jesus into their lives, that they will examine their decision and ask themselves, “Did I do this to please someone or because it was what our family did?  Was my decision real and meaningful for me?” 

Oh God, speak to their hearts.  Show them if their decision was real.  If it was just going through the motions, please God give them the desire to invite you into their hearts.  Please show them how to have a real relationship with you.

If there is a family member who has never invited you into their hearts, please speak to them over and over until they realize how important it is to have a relationship with you.

Thank you for what you are going to do in our family.

In Jesus name, Amen.    

If you have never invited Jesus into your heart and would like to understand more about this, please click on the link that will take you to a Journey with God called, A New Beginning.



TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS.  I hope you will join me.







Friday, April 26, 2013

Crisscross Praying

Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 25

When a Bride and Groom establish a new Christian home, they start to weave the fabric of which their home will be made.  Of all the things they begin to weave into their newly formed family, prayer is by far the most important.  Love, fidelity, mutual respect, support, and serving each other are all vitally necessary –but prayers are the threads that weave the fabric which God uses to hold a family together.

Through the years the family praying expands.  As the children mature, they also can become pray-ers, not just the objects of prayer. The threads of prayer then come from several directions for each other.  From the first time our first child Jan, started kindergarten to when our last child, Kurt, graduated from high school, Chris or I prayed with them at the door sending them off with the Lord protecting and guiding.  It was reassuring to our children and us that they weren’t going out to meet the world alone but going out under God’s care.

My heart was so touched reading this chapter.  I wish I had prayed for my children every time they went out the door to school.  I know I did pray for them as they left, but I did not pray with them as they went out the door. I wonder did this have a big impact on Evelyn’s children.       

Prayer for our families is so important.  I have kept a prayer book for each one of my children over the last 10 years. I write my prayers out to God for my husband and each of my children.  When they would tell me of a need in their lives, I would write my prayers out to God for them.  My children have no idea how much I prayed and saw God answer my prayers for them.  Seeing my prayers answered always made me feel thankful, but it also built my faith in God.

I love the idea of Crisscross praying for our families.  The idea of each of us praying for the needs of others sounds amazing.  We are always so blessed when we see God answer our prayers.  I am going to be praying that God works in my family to begin or grow Crisscross prayers that we pray for each other daily.

Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 31

However, that crisscross is not just an inert, lifeless network.  No, it is ever-changing in intensity and frequency as family members’ needs come and go.  And changing person relationships within the family determines the quality and quantity of the praying.

Our family has one son who is going through a very difficult time.  As a family, we need to be praying for him and each other.  I would appreciate your prayers that our family would grow crisscross praying.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

God will lead us how to pray for our families

Last week, as I began reading a book by Evelyn Christenson called, What Happens When We Pray For Our Familes, I decided that I needed to get serious about praying for my family.  I began to pray as Evelyn suggested.  I made a poster of how I was supposed to pray, put it on my wall in My LISTENING Room, and then set out doing it.  I was so amazed because what she said really did happen.  I’m so excited because I really saw God answer my prayers.  It was incredible. 
Here are a few postings from My Journal. 

Day one:  I prayed and asked God what he wanted me to pray for my family.  Without thinking, I picked up the Daily Bread and began reading it.  It suggested that I read the following verse.
James 1:5  If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him.

Then I prayed back to God what he showed me through the words of the Bible.

Dear God,  Please give each person in my family wisdom. ( I prayed for each person.)  I know I need it, so please fill me with your wisdom.  Thank you for showing me how to pray for my family today.
 Day two:  I prayed and asked God what he wanted me to pray for my family.

I was sitting at my desk in My LISTENING Room.I turned and looked at a shelf in the  corner of the room.  I noticed a version of the Bible that I had not read for awhile.  I decided to pick it up and look through it and I came across an underlined verse that spoke to my heart.
James 1:19  My dear brothers, take not of this.  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

Then I prayed back to God what he showed me through the words of the Bible. 

Dear God,  I need to learn to be slow to speak.  I needed to listen more.  Please be with each person in our family (I named each one.) that we would really listen to each other.  Maybe we need to speak less and listen more. I am sure I do.  Thank you for speaking to me today.

Day two:  I prayed and asked God what he wanted me to pray for my family.
Again, I was in my LISTENING Room reading my Bible and a verse popped out at me.  This was my verse for the day.

John 13:34  So now I am giving you a new commandment.  Love each other.  Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
Then I prayed back to God what he showed me through the words of the Bible. 

Dear God,  I know our family loves each other, but do we love each other enough to give of ourselves to each other.  Do we love each other enough to tell each other how much we care?  Do we love each other enough to help each other in need?  Do we love each other enough? 
I want to challenge you to try this.  It has been such an exciting week to actually watch God show me from his Word how I should pray for my family.

Quote from the book what Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn: page 7
Many have asked how I know what I should pray for my family members.  First, I pray asking God to show me what He wants me to pray.  Then I just wait on God to tell me—either as I read His Word, the Bible, or during prayer by His calling to my remembrance the Scripture He wants to be the basis of my prayers for them.  Then I write down and date what God said, either in the margin of my Bible or in notes I keep on file.  Then I pray so the whole process is God—from Him and then back to Him in Prayer. 

I have read Chapter Two, Crisscross Praying, which was amazing.  I wanted to share my thoughts about it, but I really felt that I wanted to share how God led my prayers for my family this week. 
I will post my comments about Crisscross Praying on Friday of this week.  Hope visit here again this week.



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New Book: What Happens When We Pray For Our Families

Quote from the book what Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn: page 7
Many have asked how I know what I should pray for my family members.  First, I pray asking God to show me what He wants me to pray.  Then I just wait on God to tell me—either as I read His Word, the Bible, or during prayer by His calling to my remembrance the Scripture He wants to be the basis of my prayers for them.  Then I write down and date what God said, either in the margin of my Bible or in notes I keep on file.  Then I pray so the whole process is God—from Him and then back to Him in Prayer. 

These two methods were described fully in the book Lord, Change Me, but I need to be reminded of this again. In fact, I have an idea of something I want to do.    
I am going to make a poster to put in My LISTENING Room, which is my place to get alone with God.  It might look like this:

1.                  Dear God, what do you want me to pray for my family?

2.                  Dear God, I am going to wait on you to tell me through scriptures I have read or are reading at this moment, how to pray for my family.

3.                  Dear God, I am going to write down today’s date and the verse that you have given me in my Journal.

4.                  Dear God, You have given me what I should pray and now I will pray about this.  (From Him and then back to Him in Prayer.)

If you decide to do this, please send me a picture of your poster to post on this website.
Chapter 1:  More than Ever, Our Families Need Prayer
Quote from the book, what Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn: page 12

Is there hope for today’s family?  Your family? Yes, there is.  Although these symptoms are becoming more and more prevalent in even the best of families, there is an answer.  And the answer is prayer.  Not just an SOS prayer now and then, but an automatic calling out to God in prayer in every family need.  A lifestyle of prayer.

Our daughter-in-law Margie said to me recently, “I need to learn to pray and not worry.  I have a tendency to work things out myself.  Think them through and come up with my own answers.  But God’s Word says it is prayer that works.”
The answer to today’s disintegrating family is a spontaneous lifestyle of prayer.  “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man [person] avails much” (James 5:16).

Wow, this is just what I needed to hear and remember today. In fact, today I have called several of my friends and asked for prayer because I was concerned about my son.  Each time I spoke with them, God spoke to me. 
Thank you Margie, for the words that you shared with Evelyn years ago.  Your words have spoken to me today.  I need to learn to pray and not worry about it, (which includes my son).   I am glad to see that it is not just me that prays and then worries.  I think I am going to add something to the 4 questions that I have above.

Dear God, Thank you for speaking to me today.

Don’t’s worry about anything, pray about everything.  Tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.  Philippians 4:6 (Living Bible Version)







Monday, April 15, 2013

What Happens When We Pray For Our Families

What Happens When We Pray For Our Families


I am so excited to get going into our next book, What Happens When We Pray For Our Families, by Evelyn Christenson.  I believe this book will be an incredible journey for all of us because we all have families.  What happens when we make praying for our families a priority?  Accept the challenge today and let’s learn from the book together. 

Our first chapter begins tomorrow.  I hope you will join us.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Make Sure It Is the Lord Doing the Changing

This Chapter of the book is a MUST READ. I would like to write the whole chapter out because there is so much truth and treasure in it.

Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn:  page 112-113

Now that we’ve looked into the methods God uses to change us, the haunting question arises:  How can I be absolutely sure it is the Lord who is changing me?  How can I know that my lifestyle, the sum total of all my wisdom put into action, is really from Him? 

God showed me the fact that the Book of James mentions four sources of wisdom from which I can obtain knowledge that will change me.  These four are constantly vying for my lifestyle; and I discovered that only one of them is God.  Only one of the four is a trustworthy source of direction for the changes in my life.  The other three are mentioned in…

James 3:15
“This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly [from other people], sensual [from within our sensual selves], demoniacal [from demons].

Is there any way, then, that I can test the source of wisdom that is producing my lifestyle?  James says the proof is in what it produces.  “The wisdom that is from above [from the Lord] is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy” (3:17, This is in contrast to what the other three
sources produce:  “But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.  This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonical.  For where envying, and strife are, there is confusion and every evil work” 
(vv.14-16, SCO)
The last chapter of this book is filled with so much treasure, you must read it.

Reading this chapter has been so good for me.  As I have been thinking about all of the truths in it, I realize that my sensual self has been the controlling force in my life way more than I have ever realized. 

“The way of a fool seems right to him”…  Proverbs 12:15a

For many years I was following my own dreams, believing they were God’s plan for me.  My sensual self was speaking to me.  I honestly thought it was God speaking to me, but it was not.  I am so thankful that God is gracious, he forgives me, and opens my eyes to his truths.

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.  For the LORD is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for him.  Isaiah 30:18

This has been so amazing reading this book again.  The first time I read it my eyes were opened to so many nuggets of wisdom.  I was pretty young when I read it, and I am so thankful for all that I learned as a young woman.  I did not have to wait until I was older to learn from Evelyn.  Reading until God speaks totally changed my relationship with God.  It opened the door to communication with the creator of the universe.  I remember the second and third time I read this book I asked myself if I was ready to learn from God again. 

Learning is not always easy, but I have learned when God is asking me to change, he will give me what I need to complete it.  Change does not happen overnight.  It takes time and energy, but I am so thankful for my Journeys of learning through Evelyn’s book, Lord Change Me. 

As I have said before, the book is finished, but the learning continues.  God is not finished with me yet. 

I am so thankful that once again, God has been speaking to me through the words of Evelyn’s book.  If he has spoken to you, please post your comments below.  I had planned on beginning another one of Evelyn's books next week, but I do not have clarity about which one. I will be praying about it today and then post our next book in a few days.  Thank you for your patience.  My desire is for God to lead us through Evelyn's books.   If you are interested in looking at all of Evelyn's books, go to http://www.evelynchristensonministries.org/bookstore.html

Please invite your friends to join us.



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Changed—When I pray for others

Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn: page 101

Releasing Jan to God intensified my prayers for her. So often what I do for a child is too little, too late. But God always does everything in the right way, at the right time. What I want for a child may be dictated by selfish motives—the best-paying job, the place of greatest honor, the highest grade, the biggest house—things the world equates with success. But not God. He always wants for them what will teach them the most, and that which will make them the finest gold.

I started writing.  Then I stopped.  I wrote a paragraph and then erased it.  This continued on for almost an hour.  What was wrong with me?  What was the reason that I could not finish writing this blog?  I needed to hurry and get it written and on the web.  Then it hit me!  I could not get going and write about releasing my child to God because I was NOT releasing my child to God. 

I have four grown sons.  They are all very good men, but one of them has been going through a very difficult time trying to find God’s will.  He loves God with all of his heart, but God’s direction has not come.  The struggles he has been going through were keeping me from ‘letting go and letting God do it.”  No, instead of letting go I spent time being angry with God for allowing this in my child’s life,  questioning God, being stressed, and on and on.  When I read the paragraph from Evelyn’s book I knew God was speaking to me through the words of my dear mentor, Evelyn.  At first I did not want to accept the words, but Evelyn’s words to intensify my prayers was what I needed to be spending my energy on.

“After I read this, I knew what I was supposed to do, but I was having a hard time doing it.  Was I REALLY willing to put my child totally in the hands of God?  Honestly, I knew God was speaking to me, so I could not run from it anymore.  I must submit.

You might ask, “Why was this so hard for you?”  The answer is, often when you surrender something to God, that surrendering is followed by peace, but then trials and tribulation often come along to make the person I am praying about willing to surrender.  I did not want to pray for heartache for my child, but I also know God knows exactly how to work in my child’s life.  I do not.

So finally I got down on my knees and asked God’s forgiveness for trying to control the things that were happening in my son’s life.  It took quite a long time because my list of sins that needed to be forgiven was long.  I am here to tell you that I did this today.  I do not know where God will take this, but I am confident that my son is in the hands of God and there is not a better place for him to be.
For any of you reading this I would ask you to remember my son Jeremy in your prayers.  Pray that God will send the help and encouragement that he needs and give him hope for his future.
I am claiming this verse today for my son, and for any of you today who are waiting on God in your life.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.    Jeremiah 29:11
Dear God,
I publically give Jeremy to you today.  Please go before him in all that he does.  I know you have a great plan for his life.  Please send someone to him today that will bless and encourage him.  Thank you for what you are going to do.  In Jesus name Amen.


LORD CHANGE ME.  This has truly been an Incredible Jouney with Evelyn. Even though she is in heaven with Jesus, she is still teaching me.  Tears come to my eyes as I write this.  Evelyn's learning has changed my life.  I will NEVER forgot my dear mentor and friend, Evelyn. My prayer is that in some ways I will have grown up just like her because of her words of wisdom to me.

When we started this Incredible Journey with Evelyn I made a list of all of her books.  I had put them in order, but I feel led to read them as God leads me.  So we will begin the book
Battling the Prince of Darkness, Rescuing Captives from Satan's Kingdom on April 9th.  If you want to read along with me please go to the following website and purchase the book.
http://www.evelynchristensonministries.org/bookstore.html  or it is available at any
Christian bookstore.