Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Changed—When I pray for others

Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn: page 101

Releasing Jan to God intensified my prayers for her. So often what I do for a child is too little, too late. But God always does everything in the right way, at the right time. What I want for a child may be dictated by selfish motives—the best-paying job, the place of greatest honor, the highest grade, the biggest house—things the world equates with success. But not God. He always wants for them what will teach them the most, and that which will make them the finest gold.

I started writing.  Then I stopped.  I wrote a paragraph and then erased it.  This continued on for almost an hour.  What was wrong with me?  What was the reason that I could not finish writing this blog?  I needed to hurry and get it written and on the web.  Then it hit me!  I could not get going and write about releasing my child to God because I was NOT releasing my child to God. 

I have four grown sons.  They are all very good men, but one of them has been going through a very difficult time trying to find God’s will.  He loves God with all of his heart, but God’s direction has not come.  The struggles he has been going through were keeping me from ‘letting go and letting God do it.”  No, instead of letting go I spent time being angry with God for allowing this in my child’s life,  questioning God, being stressed, and on and on.  When I read the paragraph from Evelyn’s book I knew God was speaking to me through the words of my dear mentor, Evelyn.  At first I did not want to accept the words, but Evelyn’s words to intensify my prayers was what I needed to be spending my energy on.

“After I read this, I knew what I was supposed to do, but I was having a hard time doing it.  Was I REALLY willing to put my child totally in the hands of God?  Honestly, I knew God was speaking to me, so I could not run from it anymore.  I must submit.

You might ask, “Why was this so hard for you?”  The answer is, often when you surrender something to God, that surrendering is followed by peace, but then trials and tribulation often come along to make the person I am praying about willing to surrender.  I did not want to pray for heartache for my child, but I also know God knows exactly how to work in my child’s life.  I do not.

So finally I got down on my knees and asked God’s forgiveness for trying to control the things that were happening in my son’s life.  It took quite a long time because my list of sins that needed to be forgiven was long.  I am here to tell you that I did this today.  I do not know where God will take this, but I am confident that my son is in the hands of God and there is not a better place for him to be.
For any of you reading this I would ask you to remember my son Jeremy in your prayers.  Pray that God will send the help and encouragement that he needs and give him hope for his future.
I am claiming this verse today for my son, and for any of you today who are waiting on God in your life.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.    Jeremiah 29:11
Dear God,
I publically give Jeremy to you today.  Please go before him in all that he does.  I know you have a great plan for his life.  Please send someone to him today that will bless and encourage him.  Thank you for what you are going to do.  In Jesus name Amen.


LORD CHANGE ME.  This has truly been an Incredible Jouney with Evelyn. Even though she is in heaven with Jesus, she is still teaching me.  Tears come to my eyes as I write this.  Evelyn's learning has changed my life.  I will NEVER forgot my dear mentor and friend, Evelyn. My prayer is that in some ways I will have grown up just like her because of her words of wisdom to me.

When we started this Incredible Journey with Evelyn I made a list of all of her books.  I had put them in order, but I feel led to read them as God leads me.  So we will begin the book
Battling the Prince of Darkness, Rescuing Captives from Satan's Kingdom on April 9th.  If you want to read along with me please go to the following website and purchase the book.
http://www.evelynchristensonministries.org/bookstore.html  or it is available at any
Christian bookstore.



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