Friday, April 26, 2013

Crisscross Praying

Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 25

When a Bride and Groom establish a new Christian home, they start to weave the fabric of which their home will be made.  Of all the things they begin to weave into their newly formed family, prayer is by far the most important.  Love, fidelity, mutual respect, support, and serving each other are all vitally necessary –but prayers are the threads that weave the fabric which God uses to hold a family together.

Through the years the family praying expands.  As the children mature, they also can become pray-ers, not just the objects of prayer. The threads of prayer then come from several directions for each other.  From the first time our first child Jan, started kindergarten to when our last child, Kurt, graduated from high school, Chris or I prayed with them at the door sending them off with the Lord protecting and guiding.  It was reassuring to our children and us that they weren’t going out to meet the world alone but going out under God’s care.

My heart was so touched reading this chapter.  I wish I had prayed for my children every time they went out the door to school.  I know I did pray for them as they left, but I did not pray with them as they went out the door. I wonder did this have a big impact on Evelyn’s children.       

Prayer for our families is so important.  I have kept a prayer book for each one of my children over the last 10 years. I write my prayers out to God for my husband and each of my children.  When they would tell me of a need in their lives, I would write my prayers out to God for them.  My children have no idea how much I prayed and saw God answer my prayers for them.  Seeing my prayers answered always made me feel thankful, but it also built my faith in God.

I love the idea of Crisscross praying for our families.  The idea of each of us praying for the needs of others sounds amazing.  We are always so blessed when we see God answer our prayers.  I am going to be praying that God works in my family to begin or grow Crisscross prayers that we pray for each other daily.

Quote from the book What Happens When We Pray For Our Families. Evelyn, page 31

However, that crisscross is not just an inert, lifeless network.  No, it is ever-changing in intensity and frequency as family members’ needs come and go.  And changing person relationships within the family determines the quality and quantity of the praying.

Our family has one son who is going through a very difficult time.  As a family, we need to be praying for him and each other.  I would appreciate your prayers that our family would grow crisscross praying.


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