Monday, August 26, 2013


I am traveling as I write this.  Please forgive the different format.

From the book Gaining Through Losing by Evelyn.....Page 60

Aloneness--the result of one of the greatest losses we can experience--that sometimes sudden and ever-deepening realization that we have been deprived of human companionship.  The loss may come through death, separation, divorce, rebellion, or distance.

From the book Gaining Through Losing by Evelyn.....Page 61

There is the hope of actually gaining through the losing of human companionship.

God Comes in Proportion to Our Needs
Theologians tell us that God is omnipresent, that is, He has the ability to be everywhere at once. But does this mean He is in all places at all times in the same proportion?  It does not appear so.

An amazing characteristic of God's nature that I have observed is:  He always comes in proportion to our needs.  The deeper the sorrow, the more comfort He gives; the larger the voice, the more God fills it; the greater the need, the more we have of Him.  "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart.  (Ps. 34:18)

As I have shared before, I have been going through a very difficult time in my life.  When I read about 'gaining through losing' all I can do is trust God because when I read the words, they are just words that I want to believe.  The hurt is so real right now, all I can do is remember how God has been with me through the past difficult times in my life.  I know he is there and that he loves me more than I can imagine.  This gives me hope and helps me to keep pressing on.

This past week I was "thinking too much" about my situation instead of doing what helps me the most.  I was not getting into the Bible and REALLY praying about my situation.  When I do this, it transforms me, it gives me hope.

I have also experienced several things that were totally out of my control.  I knew it was God encouraging me.  He sent several people into my life who had lived through similar circumstances.  They told me, "Don't give up!"  Satan will try and rob you of your joy, but do not let him." (Honestly, he had been doing this.)

What has been happening in my life?

When I have my eyes on Jesus, I believe he will turn losses into gains. 
When I have my eyes on Jesus, joy surrounds me in the midst of my storm.

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Dear God,
Thank you for all you have showed me this week.  Please help me to find the time I need DAILY, to spend with you.  Please encourage me as I wait upon you.
Jesus name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite verse in the Bible is Romans 8:28...As much as I love that verse, sometimes I
    dislike it just as much....It is really hard when the father of lies is whispering in your ear that
    God doesn't really want you to grow in Him, know His voice, etc.....BUT GOD, is so faithful, isn't He? I am gong through just the thing you are writing about now...Yesterday was a really bad day
    and the Lord sent messages through friends letting me know that God LOVES ME....
    Thanks for your post dear cousin...
