Tuesday, March 19, 2013

You cannot serve both God and money

Wow, the nuggets of wisdom found in Chapter Six stopped me in my tracks for two weeks.   I could not move on. I underlined so many things, wondering which truth would speak to my heart the most.  Then it happened.  The first time I read these words, I knew it was God speaking to my heart. 

Quote from the book Lord Change me. Evelyn:  page 86

That night God had something to say to me out of His Word.  As I was reading my Bible, tucking a thought in my mind to go to sleep on, a phrase in Matthew 6:24 almost jumped off the page at me:  “You cannot serve both God and money.” (NIV).  For three nights I found myself peculiarly drawn to that same verse, from one translation to another.  It was as if I wanted God to press it deeper and deeper into my very being.  “I cannot serve both God and money!”  Why not?  God gave me that answer in the same chapter when Jesus was warning us against laying up for ourselves treasures upon earth and telling us to lay them up in heaven.  Then Jesus gave the “why”:  “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (vs. 21).

When God speaks, you know it.  Yes, He has spoken to me very clearly.  Let me take you back to yesterday.

I received an invitation to speak for several different women’s clubs in Nebraska.  They explained all the details and told me where I would be staying and how much enumeration    I would receive.  Then they also said there were two more clubs that wanted me to speak as well, but they were two and a half hours further away.  So the total speaking engagements within a week would be six. 

I did not reply right away because I wanted to ask my husband a question.  When he came home from work I told him about the request I received to speak in Nebraska.  Then I am ashamed to say this, but I asked him, “Could you figure out the gas usage to go to the two extra clubs and see if it is worth going there.

Wow, I thought I was serving God as I get out there and share the message of salvation, but was my motive, MONEY?  My heart broke as I read page 86 of Evelyn’s book…….  CHANGED again.  I have read this book many times, but once again, God has changed my heart. 

Dear God,

Please forgive me that somewhere deep inside of me I have been serving money.                 I honestly did not see it.  Thank you for opening my eyes.  I will accept the invitation to speak at all of the clubs in Nebraska.  Thank you for what you are going to do.  In Jesus name Amen. 

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