Monday, June 23, 2014

Prayer for the Soul-Winner

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As we go marching into Satan’s territory praying for and taking Jesus to those he has owned since the Garden of Eden, it is foolish to think Satan won’t retaliate.  And he does.

Since evangelism is rescuing captives from Satan’s kingdom (Colossians 1:13), he will do everything possible to keep unsaved people in that domain of darkness.  In his anger at us, he will hinder, intimidate, frighten, and tempt us in order to keep us from praying for and evangelizing those he still owns—so they will not be able to accept Jesus and be released from his evil domain.

It is Sunday afternoon.  I want to share with you what has been happening in my life. 

For the past 18 months I have been reading all of Evelyn Christenson’s books.  She has been my life mentor.  I have read all of her books once before many years ago, but when I heard that God had called her home to heaven, I knew it was time for me to read them again in honor of Evelyn.

It has been an incredible Journey.  I have learned so much about prayer.  It has been challenging at times, yet I have been so motivated to get out there in my work and try all the things I have learned.

Last week my heart was challenged to bring the Triplet Praying in my community.  Let me tell you what happened today.

It is a sunny day.  We have had so much rain, but the clouds had blown away and turned this day into a beautiful one.  I walked into church.  As I stood there looking around, a man came up to me.  I did not recognize him, but he acted like he knew me.  He said, “Hi Robin, I’m …..  You probably do not remember me, but we prayed together on National Prayer day.  Immediately I remembered him.  Then he proceeded to tell me that he was the head of Adult Ministries and he wondered if I would help them with Prayer in the Church/Community.  I told him that I had spent the last 18 months learning a lot about Prayer through Evelyn’s books.  Then I shared with him about the challenge in my heart for Triplet Praying.  I was so excited inside, but I quietly replied to him, “I’ll pray about it.”

As I walked out of church today I was so excited because God had not opened a door for me in ministry for the past 18 months as I have been going through Evelyn’s Books.  I have one chapter left.  Does God have a door of ministry ready to open for me?  I am not sure, but wherever he leads me he has been preparing me for it.  Please pray with me.

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I personally know the need—and the power –of intercessory prayer for ministry.  Since 1964 I have not even taught a Sunday school class without someone praying for me.  I am profoundly appreciative of those who have prayed for me all these years—and who are still praying for me.  I know the power of a ministry depends on the prayer support it has.  God truly does move in proportion to our praying.

I will not and cannot help with Prayer in our Church or Community without a Prayer Team in place.  I cannot, I cannot.

The past 18 months has been some of the hardest years of my life.     I did not have a prayer team praying for me as I was learning about prayer.  As I look at this now I realize this was a big mistake.  I wanted to have a Prayer Team, but I did not feel like I should ask people to pray for me as I learn about prayer. We live and learn as we go through life. 

Yes, I have learned something huge.  I cannot do anything without prayer support.  I do not know where God is leading me, but I do know I will not go anywhere without a prayer team.  Please pray for God to open the doors he wants me to go through and then raise up a Prayer Team to be the prayer power behind whatever God is doing in our world.

This brings us to the last chapter of Praying God’s Way for next week.  I am a little sad knowing this wonderful time with Evelyn’s books is complete.  I pray that if God wants me to get out there in my world and share all that I have learned, he will have to make it so…. clear to me.

Next week I will be reading the last chapter of the book Praying God’s Way and sharing my thoughts with you.  I will also wrap up my Incredible Journey with Evelyn.  I will be sharing a poem that I have written in honor of Evelyn.


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