Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Chapter 10: How to Pray for the Lost

Pre-evangelism Praying

Page 167

Are you puzzled about why so many Christians are witnessing, going out as missionaries, preaching, and faithfully inviting unbelievers to accept Jesus—yet with such little success?  Do you wonder why, even when people use very scriptural methods, there often are so few results in proportion to the amount of sincere honest effort put forth?

I believe one of the main reasons for this lack of fruit is that we have failed to sufficiently involve God—through prayer—in our soul-winning efforts.  In pre-evangelism praying, we ask the omnipotent God of the universe to reach down and work in people’s lives before we do.  And what a difference such praying makes!

The power of prayer is the key to anything we try and do for God, yet it is so easy to run around trying to do things the way I want them to be done.  I have an evangelistic heart, but often with the busy lifestyle that I live I forget and try and do things in my own strength.  This never works.

The past year and a half, as I have read Evelyn’s books, I have been so challenged to ALWAYS go to God first, and then try to do what God lays on my heart.

Page 169

I believe we waste much effort, time, finances, and Gospel seed if we do not pray sufficiently before we sow the Word to the unsaved.

Page 170

Billy Graham has reached the major part of the world simultaneously through satellite television broadcasts from Costa Rica.  Yet he says the three most important things in his crusades are prayer, prayer, and prayer.


Dictionary Definition

An earnest or humble request, act of praying.

I can know what prayer is, I can believe in it, but unless I take actions and pray, the power of prayer that is available to me is wasted.  I need to make prayer an absolute priority in my life in everything that I do.

Recently I had a friend call me who had been waiting on God for a long time.  She had so many plans for her life, but nothing was happening.  Then one day she decided to put everything else aside and JUST Pray.  Pray, Pray and still more Praying.

The prayer had made such a difference in her life and she said, “Robin, It’s all about prayer.  Stop your busy lifestyles and find time for God and then Pray, Pray and Pray.” 

This is what I want for my life.  I want prayer to be the focal part of every day.  Evelyn under stood what the power of pray does and she practiced it, I want to live my life like Evelyn did. The power of prayer is the key to life.

Dear God,

Forgive me that I do not take the time to pray and do so many things in my own strength.  You are my power source, but I need to take the time to STOP and JUST pray and then JUST LISTEN for you to speak to me.



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